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My name is Natalie Roloff and two years ago I found myself in an extremely tough financial situation. I was going to school full time and working 5 days a week. At the end of the semester I found out I no longer qualified for financial aid at a community college. I depended on that financial aid to assist me with rent, gas, food, books, etc… With both my parents brain damaged, I depended on that financial more than any other college student.

By the end of the semester I was at risk of getting my car reposed, I went months without car insurance, I would only have $20.00 for gas and food for a week, two payday loans, a credit card going into collections and much more. I also had a knee surgery coming up due to an injury at work which meant even less money coming in because I would be living off workman’s comp. I never told anyone about my financial problems. I have always dealt with my problems myself because I have been emancipated since the age of 16. I always paid all my bills by myself. I finally broke down to a previous supervisor and friend Emily Roberts. She had no idea how bad things really were and reached out to The East County Posse.

This amazing group than contacted me and asked me “how are you doing” and “What do you need in order to get back on your feet again”. At first I only told them about the bills I really needed taken care of and then they asked “Are you sure that’s all”. I broke down and showed them more outstanding bills. They took everything I had given them and before I knew it all my bills were paid for and up to date.

If The East County Posse had not existed, I would have lost my car and the bills would have continued to pile higher and higher. I had no one else to turn to and they were there. I now work for a property management company and continue to teach dance for the City of El Cajon Recreation Department. I am also pursuing a degree in Business Administration.

I am beyond grateful for the help I received from The East County Posse. I have always reached a hand out to those in need and it is extremely rewarding when the help is there for you when it is needed the most. Thank You.

Natalie Roloff

I can’t thank you enough for your organization’s generosity in helping one of our school’s most needy families. Thanks to you, this family will be able to celebrate the holidays with food to eat, clean warm blankets and sheets, gifts for the children, and freedom from head lice for the first time in over 6 months.

Attached is a picture of the gifts we purchased and wrapped for the 9, 10 and 11 year-old’s in the home. I am happy to be able to report that we were able to procure 7 gifts for each child with the $250.00 you donated. I wish you could have seen the children’s faces when we delivered them. It was the first time they have had a reason to smile in a very long time. In addition, their mother expressed how grateful she is, and wanted us to wish all of you a very merry Christmas!

Magnolia ElementaryCEO at ThemeNectar

My name is Laura Plante and I am writing you on behalf of my cousin, Carol Heger. Carol has been on permanent disability since 2000 due to her spastic diplegic cerebral palsy and has used a walker and/or wheelchair full time since 2003. She currently uses a power wheelchair in her home in Santee, however she is unable to travel with her power wheelchair as she does not have a handicap van. She does have an older, small, low to the ground car as that is the only type of vehicle she has been able to load a lightweight manual wheel chair in and climb in by herself. However, her manual wheelchair is now 20 years old and no longer safe to use as it is worn out and the brakes no longer work. Unfortunately, her insurance and Medicare will not cover a separate wheelchair for outside the home.

Despite her disability, Carol has managed to live independently for many years and drive herself to work, church and physical therapy by loading her lightweight manual wheelchair in her car. However, since it is no longer safe to use, she is now unable to drive herself and fears she will no longer be able to live independently.

Therefore, I am writing to you requesting assistance in obtaining another lightweight manual wheelchair so that she may maintain her independence and continue her much needed physical therapy treatments. We appreciate your consideration of our request.

P.S. While joining our friend, Brian Wisniewski, at the East County Posse Viejas annual poker fundraiser the past few years, we have met several Posse members and have greatly admired the work that you do for your neighbors in need. Therefore, when I heard about Carol’s situation, I immediately thought of your organization.

Laura Plante

When I was asked to go to the Boys to Men Graduation Party I never expected it to be so over whelmed with emotion listening to the Graduate’s stories.

All the Graduates were clearly nervous getting up to tell their story in front of many people, but once they started talking and reliving their life as they shared what they went through as a Boy and how they became the Man they are today, the gratitude just came flowing out.

One Graduate’s story remembering when he was 6 years old homeless, cold in the rain and being turned away from the shelter because there was no room. And another story about a boy that was born into a gang and at 6 years old saw a family member kill someone and was taught to hate any race but his own.

In 2009 Boys to Men Mentoring Program was brought into public schools and changed these boys lives. Going down the wrong road and not having much hope of graduating high school these 6 boys were put into the program in 7th grade. Having in-school and after-school meetings and a Boy’s Adventure Weekend with mentoring that provided great role models that gave them the confidence and made them feel valued. These mentors got the boys to open up and tell their stories and make them feel safe doing so with no judging but making them take responsibility for their actions. The meetings with their peers and mentors and hearing similar stories showed them that they weren’t alone in their struggles in life. These 6 boys being the first group to be followed from 7th grade to 12th grade graduation showed what a great success this program is not only because of them all graduating high school but all of them doing very well in there high school years getting into colleges and one going to college and also joining the Marines.

The East County Posse is very proud in having contributed in these graduate’s success and will continue to be part of such a great program that is proven to work.

Boys To Men (Jose)

The road has finally come to an end and all I can say is THANK YOU, THANK YOU VERY MYCH because without East County Posse this would not be possible. I am forever thankful for everything you have done and I hope that maybe one day I can reply you for all your help. May God bless you and everyone else that was involves in helping me and my family.

Hilda Clemons and Family

I just wanted to thank you for all your help. From helping with the school supplies and back packs to the wonderful Christmas we had. You guys have been such a blessing to our ministries and the families we served. We are very grateful for all that you have done. This was one of the best Christmas ever and it was all thanks to East County Posse and their generosity.

Denise Valence

Thank you. Those two words cannot express the huge amount of gratitude that I feel. You and your organization have been a Godsend. I would like to volunteer my time to helping others through your organization. I would be interested in finding out more about your organization and how I can contribute.

Terri Markham

Our Family would like to thank your organization for the absolutely spectacular work that you did to make our home not only clean and organized, but also wheelchair accessible for our daughter, Alana. We cannot thank you all enough for everything that you did, and we will always remember the love we felt by receiving your incredible gifts of kindness and generosity. May God bless you all!

Swagerty Family